
School Counseling Services  

The Counseling Department at Westmont, located in the Student Services Center, includes 6 School Counselors. We provide academic, career, and counseling services to all students. 
The counseling department actively works with students, families, staff and teachers to promote academic success. Throughout the school year Counselors visit classrooms, organize parent/guardian information nights, help develop student class schedules, assist students with fulfillment of graduation requirements, assist with student postsecondary plans, and meet with a range of stakeholders to support all students. 
Students are assigned to a counselor by last name. Current student to counselor ratio is 375:1. 
Walk-In Policy 
Counselors are available for student walk-ins before school, during brunch, lunch, and after school. 
Schedule an Appointment with Your School Counselor 
Students may request an appointment by stopping by the Student Service Center, completing an appointment request slip with our attendance clerk, or sending an email. Counselors make every attempt to meet students within 1-3 days of a request or as soon as possible if the student indicates that he/she/they are in crisis. 
Schedule Change Policy
The only schedule request changes that will be approved are: 
  • A gap in your schedule
  • A duplicate course (e.g., enrolled in the same class twice)
  • A course that you've successfully completed
  • A missing graduation or A-G college requirement 
Dear Parent(s) and Guardian(s) 
If you have a question about your student's current grade or course content, please contact the teacher directly.  You may use Canvas or Aeries to monitor your student's progress in their classes. The teachers will be best equipped to inform and guide you regarding your students grade or course content.
If you have a general question or concern for your student's counselor, the most expedient way to contact him or her is through email. You can also contact your student's counselor through voicemail. Counselors will try to get back to you within 1-3 days (not including weekends and/or holidays). Please keep in mind that if you're contacting the counselor about a teacher-related issue, we ask that you have communicated with the teacher first.