Title I & School Site Council Meeting
Westmont High School receives a Title I federal grant to help support our students' academic performance. To learn more about Title I, you may review the following:
1) Board Policies that discuss District Strategies for Title I Schools around Parent Involvement. These policies ensure that parents/guardians and family members of students participating in Title I programs are provided with opportunities to be involved in their children's education.
Parent Involvement Documents in English:
Documentos de participación de los padres en español:
2) The Principal's Letter below outlines how the Title I program benefits our students.
3) What is Title I - a detailed explanation of this grant in English and Spanish is included below.
4) Westmont High School's Family/Parent School Compact for 2024-2025 - an outline of how Westmont High School parents/families, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. Document is provided in English and Spanish. An updated document will be provided soon.
5) Attend School Site Council Meetings - all parents/guardians and students are welcome to attend these meetings. Please contact Principal Miller if you would like to attend, at [email protected].
2024-25 Principal's Title I Letter
What is Title I? (Click to Expand)