English Language Advisory Committee

Westmont High School Counselors
Mr. Emilio Fancisco: [email protected] (Last names A-COR and I)
Mr. Wilton Marin-Cruz: [email protected] (Last names COR-H)
Mrs. Carolina Pizano: [email protected]
Mrs. Kim Basl: [email protected] (Last names K, PAD-SIL)
Mrs. Miriam Wesson: [email protected] (Last names J, SIM-Z)
Las Consejeras de Westmont High School

Sr. Emilio Fancisco: [email protected] (Apellidos A-COR and I)
Sr. Wilton Marin-Cruz: [email protected] (Apellidos COR-H)
Sra. Carolina Pizano: [email protected] 
Sra. Kim Basl: [email protected] (Apellidos K, PAD-SIL)
Sra. Miriam Wesson: [email protected] (Apellidos J, SIM-Z)
PARENT INVOLVEMENT for Westmont High School

The Governing Board recognizes that parents/guardians are their children's first and most influential teachers and that sustained parent/guardian involvement in the education of their children contributes greatly to student achievement and a positive school environment. The Principal or designee shall work with parents/guardians and family to jointly develop and agree upon policy and strategies to meaningfully involve parents/guardians and family members in district and school activities at all grade levels; advisory, decision-making, and advocacy roles; and activities to support learning at home.


(cf. 0420 - School Plans/Site Councils)

(cf. 1220 - Citizen Advisory Committees)

(cf. 1230 - School-Connected Organizations)

(cf. 1240 - Volunteer Assistance)

(cf. 1250 - Visitors/Outsiders)


Parents/guardians shall be notified of their rights to be informed about and to participate in their children's education and of the opportunities available to them to do so.


(cf. 5020 - Parent Rights and Responsibilities)


The district's local control and accountability plan (LCAP) shall include goals and strategies for parent/guardian involvement and family engagement, including district efforts to seek parent/guardian input in district and school site decision making and to promote parent/guardian participation in programs for English learners, foster youth, students eligible for free and reduced-price meals, and students with disabilities.  (Education Code 42238.02, 52060)


(cf. 0460 - Local Control and Accountability Plan)


The Principal  or designee shall regularly evaluate and report to the Board on the effectiveness of the district's parent/guardian and family engagement efforts, including, but not limited to, input from parents/guardians, family members, and school staff on the adequacy of involvement opportunities and on barriers that may inhibit participation.



To receive the virtual link for a college visit, please sign up on Naviance using your Single SignOn to login.  The registrations are listed on the home page under “What’s New”. Click on more info to get to the registration button.

California Parent and Youth Helpline


The California Parent and Youth Helpline provides support and resource referrals to parent and youth during the current COVID-19 pandemic, 7-days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.  Call or text 1-855-4APARENT (855-427-2736) for services in English, Spanish and other languages.  For more information, please visit: https://caparentyouthhelpline.org/


La Línea de ayuda para padres y jóvenes de California brinda apoyo y referencias de recursos a padres y jóvenes durante la actual pandemia de COVID-19, los 7 días de la semana de 8:00 a.m. a 8:00 p.m. Llame o envíe un mensaje de texto al 1-855-4APARENT (855-427-2736) para obtener servicios en inglés, español y otros idiomas. Para obtener más información, visite: https://caparentyouthhelpline.org/

Contact us:
Dianne Leo
Community Liaison: 
Alma Cisneros-Iberri
ELAC & DELAC Meetings at Westmont in the Library at 9:30 AM
California Department of Education - Parent Resource Newsletters: