10th Grade
Encourage your student to attend a Study Hall class in which they need extra support. Use Flexisched to schedule every Study Hall for the week from Wednesday-Tuesday.
We are now opening up Flexisched from 8-10:15am every day. If you would like to change your Study Hall selection, you can log in to westmont.flexisched.net to change to an open spot in another study hall. At 10:15am, study hall selections are locked.
Be sure to make your initial selections on Wednesdays from 8-10 so that you have a better chance of getting in the study halls you want. After that time, you will be assigned to your Advisory teacher and will only be able to make changes to open spots.
Encourage your student to attend tutoring in the library every Monday - Thursday. No registration or sign-ups required.
Encourage your student to attend the Homework Center and meet with a Westmont teacher every Tuesday or Thursday in the library from 2:50-3:50. No registration or sign-ups needed.
Encourage your student to meet with their counselor to sign up for free virtual tutoring. A student must have access to a cell phone, have their own personal email address, access to a computer, and access to a reliable internet connection.