Student Services Center » Discipline Referrals and Procedures

Discipline Referrals and Procedures

Discipline Referrals and Procedures 

A "referral" is a communication from the classroom teacher to an Assistant Principal describing a student's misconduct that has violated classroom or school rules. The referral represents a request by the teacher for disciplinary action. When the student is directed to leave the class by the teacher, the student will: 
  • Leave the room quickly and quietly, and report immediately to the Student Service Center
  • Sign-in with the Attendance Clerk and report the reason for being sent to the office. 
  • Be seated in the assigned area and wait quietly until the end of the period. 
  • Students who fail to report and remain in the Student Service Center will be subject to further discipline which may include suspension. 
  • Report to his/her/their next class when the bell rings unless directed by an Assistant Principal to do otherwise. 
  • RETURN to the Assistant Principal's office during the same period the next day that the class meets for a conference with an Assistant Principal. Most problems can be resolved at that time and the student will be returned to class. Students may not return to class until directed to do so by an Assistant Principal

More Information

  • For information about discipline referrals, sexual harassment, inappropriate displays of affection, sexual battery, consequences of misconduct, suspensions and expulsions, please refer to the Student & Parent/Guardian Handbook and/or contact the designated Assistant Principal. 
Jennifer Halas (Students with last names A-L) 
(408) 626- 3406 x6111
Geordie Hamilton (Students with last names M-Z)