All Grade Levels:
Monday and Tuesday will be asynchronous learning days. This means that your teachers will still post material and assignments for that day, but you will not meet with them via zoom. However, YOU WILL NEED TO ATTEND YOUR COHORT VIA ZOOM ON MONDAY, TUESDAY, AND WEDNESDAY FOR MARCH 29-31 FOR ATTENDANCE.
Juniors Only:
You must use your school-issued Chromebook (make sure that it is the smaller version where a 12 inch ruler can almost touch the bottom left and top right corners). If you have concerns about your Chromebook, please contact Mr. Hayashi at [email protected].
You must have your video and internal microphone on during testing. Please log in promptly at 9:00am using the Session ID number and SSID number. A mailer with this info was sent home, but you can contact any of your teachers for the info if you did not receive this mailer. The tests closeS at 3:00pm.
Monday is the English Language portion and Tuesday is Math. JUNIORS TAKING THE CAASPP TESTS DO NOT NEED TO ATTEND COHORT ON MONDAY & TUESDAY. You will attend cohort on Wednesday.
CLICK HERE for instructions on how to sign into the CAASPP tests.
CLICK HERE for a reference guide to CAASPP testing.