English Language Development » English Language Development

English Language Development

Program Overview:

The English Language Learners (ELL) program, also known as Structured English Immersion,  provides support for students who score less than reasonable fluency in English. Students are identified for this program based upon the home language survey information and result from the English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC).

Placement in the program is based on multiple-measures: initial assessment, state testing, districtwide local common assessments, and recommendations.  The design of instruction at all levels is to support students in becoming independent, strategic, critical readers and effective communicators as they acquire language across disciplines. 

Reseña del programa:

El programa para estudiantes del idioma inglés (ELL), también conocido como inmersión estructurada en inglés, brinda apoyo a los estudiantes que obtienen una fluidez en inglés inferior a la razonable. Los estudiantes son identificados para este programa según la información de la encuesta del idioma del hogar y el resultado de la Evaluación de dominio del idioma inglés para California (ELPAC).
La ubicación en el programa se basa en múltiples medidas: evaluación inicial, pruebas estatales, evaluaciones comunes locales en todo el distrito y recomendaciones. El diseño de la instrucción en todos los niveles es ayudar a los estudiantes a convertirse en lectores independientes, estratégicos, críticos y comunicadores efectivos a medida que adquieren el lenguaje en todas las disciplinas.
Reclassification Requirements (RFEP): 
The goal of the EL program is for students to become fully proficient in English and to master state standards for academic achievement as rapidly as possible.  The LEA criteria are as follows:
1. Level 4 on ELPAC 
2. Meeting proficiency on 1 of 3 academic measurements: 
CAASPP (Grade 8 and 11), Site Common Assessment (Fall or Spring)  or Districtwide Common Assessment (November). 
3. Teacher Evaluation
4. Parental Consultation
It is the goal of CUHSD to provide quality instruction to all students by supporting students at all levels of proficiency and providing access to rigorous, core curriculum. 
Note: At any time during the school year, you may have your child moved into the English Language Mainstream Program.
Requisitos de reclasificación (RFEP):
El objetivo del programa EL es que los estudiantes dominen completamente el inglés y dominen los estándares estatales para el rendimiento académico lo más rápido posible. Los criterios de la LEA son los siguientes:

1. Nivel 4 en ELPAC

2. Cumplimiento de la competencia en 1 de 3 medidas académicas:
CAASPP (grados 8 y 11), evaluación común del sitio (otoño o primavera) o evaluación común del distrito (noviembre).

3. Evaluación del maestro

4. Consulta a los padres

El objetivo de CUHSD es proporcionar instrucción de calidad a todos los estudiantes al apoyarlos en todos los niveles de competencia y brindar acceso a un plan de estudios básico y riguroso.

Nota: En cualquier momento durante el año escolar, puede hacer que su hijo se traslade al Programa de enseñanza general del idioma inglés.
English Language Advisory Council (ELAC) 
Please visit the English Language Advisory Council (ELAC) website for more information on the ELD program. Meetings are held throughout the year to offer support to students and parents/guardians. 
Visite el sitio web del Consejo Asesor del Idioma Inglés (ELAC) para obtener más información sobre el programa ELD. Las reuniones se llevan a cabo durante todo el año para ofrecer apoyo a los estudiantes y padres / tutores.
Course Descriptions
In this two-period ELD Language Arts course, students at the emerging level of English learn to communicate about a range of topics and academic content areas through listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities that target high-level standards aligned thinking with appropriate support. Students are provided interactive and collaborative opportunities to express their own ideas as well as to question, interpret, and evaluate the ideas of others.

Grade Level: 9-12

Graduation Credit: 

10 Credits for English

10 Credits for Elective


CSU/UC:  A-G Approved

As students’ progress to the expanding level in English language proficiency, they move towards using the English language in more complex, cognitively demanding situations. In this two-period ELD Language Arts course, students will further learn and communicate about a range of topics and academic content areas through listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities that target high-level thinking with appropriate support. Through interactive instruction based on the ELD state standards, students are provided opportunities to express their own ideas as well as to question, interpret, and evaluate the ideas of others.

Grade Level: 9-12

Graduation Credit: 

10 Credits for English

10 Credits for Elective

CSU/UC:  A-G Approved

In this two period ELD Language Arts course, students nearing reasonable fluency in English will use the language in more complex, cognitively demanding situations with increasing independence. ELD 3 prepares students to learn and communicate about a range of topics and academic content areas through listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities that target high-level thinking with appropriate support. Students are provided with interactive instruction based on California’s ELD standards and activities, a print-rich environment, and public speaking experiences in order to prepare students for on grade level English and other content classes.

Grade Level: 9-12

Graduation Credit:

10 credits for English 

10 credits for Electives

CSU/UC: A-G Approved

This is a one year course designed to offer support to EL, especially LTEL students in Expanding and Bridging levels, enrolled in an on-level English to succeed. The course is based on the state standards for ELA/ELD to engage students in critical reading, academic writing, and presentation skills and strategies.

Grade Level: 9-12

Graduation Credit: General Electives

CSU/UC: Elective(g)