English » English Department

English Department

Course Descriptions
9th Grade
This course is a standards-based foundational course for freshmen, and is designed to provide an opportunity for students to continue their study of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students will read a variety of literary genres and forms. From paragraphs to essays, writing will be both analytical and creative, with a focus on the writing process. This program emphasizes a variety of critical thinking and language experiences to provide students with strong communication skills and the ability to succeed in and out of the classroom.

Grade Level: 9

Graduation Credit: English

CSU/UC:  English(b)

English I Honors is an accelerated course designed for freshmen who are seeking a deeper understanding of fundamentals in English Language-Arts. This course teaches students to read closely, delve deeply, and analyze thoroughly both fiction and non-fiction works, and uses strong rhetorical and composition skills. Students will read novels, epic poetry, assorted poems, and a Shakespearean drama. Students are expected to write five-paragraph informative/explanatory, narrative, and argumentative essays throughout the year. Oral communication will be emphasized throughout the class, small group, and formal presentations. Creative projects will also be offered throughout the year. All essays, discussions and projects will emphasize critical thinking skills and literary analysis.

Grade Level: 9

Graduation Credit: English

CSU/UC:  English(b)

10th Grade
Expanding on the skills developed in English 1, this course develops student mastery of reading comprehension, analysis of complex texts, and vocabulary development. Students will write for a variety of purposes and audiences in the forms of informative/explanatory, argumentative, and narrative texts. Students will continue to build on their research skills, uses of standard English language grammar and conventions, and speaking and listening techniques. The central thematic focuses on this course are derived from diverse world literature that represents various global heritages and cultures, so that students increase their understanding of individual and cultural experiences.  Substantial reading is required and outside reading and writing are expected.

Grade Level: 10

Graduation Credit: English

CSU/UC:  English(b)

Expanding on the skills developed in English 1/1H, this rigorous course will provide a study of multiple genres of challenging literature from diverse cultures around the world. Additionally, continued development of writing skills will focus primarily on composition, analysis, and evidence. Students will spend considerable time developing skills in the following areas: response to an analysis of literature; persuasion and argumentation; and evidence gathering and evaluation. Through various activities including group work, research, and in-depth discussion, students will further develop the reading, writing, speaking, listening, and critical thinking skills essential to success in their endeavors. Substantial reading and writing will be completed independently outside of class.  

Del Mar equivalent is English 2 ICAP, seen below.


Grade Level: 10

Graduation Credit: English

CSU/UC:  English(b)

11th Grade
In English 3, students read and analyze American literature from a variety of historical, political, and cultural perspectives. These literary works include both non-fiction (journals, expository articles, speeches) and fiction (poetry, novels, drama). Students are encouraged to make connections between literature and history while continuing to refine and practice their skills writing argumentative, informative/explanatory, and narrative compositions. Students also learn to formulate an argument, research information, assess the relevance and credibility of a source, cite a variety of sources and format a document. In both oral presentations and written work, students demonstrate their ability to appeal to their audience logically, ethically, and emotionally. Outside reading and writing assignments further develop students’ vocabulary and critical thinking.

Grade Level: 11

Graduation Credit: English

CSU/UC: English(b)

This college preparatory class combines the curriculum of US History with that of 11th grade American Literature.   Students will study and explore US History and American Literature using specific pieces of literature and primary sources that are tied to key history events, movements, trends and individuals. This course is designed to make real-life connections between literature, art, music, film and politics. The goal is to take students on a journey that will help them think critically about these connections and make their learning experiences come alive. The units focus on the Common Core Standards and align with the California State Standards for both 11th grade Us History and English.

**Must be taken with American Experience US History.


Grade Level: 11

Graduation Credit: English

CSU/UC: English (b)

An AP course in English Language and Composition engages students in becoming skilled readers of prose written in a variety of rhetorical contexts and in becoming skilled writers who compose for a variety of purposes. Both their writing and their reading should make students aware of the interactions among a writer’s purposes, expectations, and subjects, as well as the way genre conventions and the resources of language contribute to effectiveness in writing.  Course materials and writing assignments prepare students to take the Advanced Placement Exam.  English Advanced Placement is an intensive course designed for   students who are ready for college writing.

Grade Level: 11-12

Graduation Credit: English

CSU/UC: English(b)

AP Language Summer Reading:
Read The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. As you read, analyze Holden Caulfield. Where is Holden? What bothers Holden? Why? What is the catcher in the rye? Why would Holden "like to be" the catcher in the rye? What is Holden's problem? How do you know? How do you interpret the ending? We will answer these questions and more when school beings. Stay safe and enjoy summer!
12th Grade
World Contemporary Literature and Communication is a standards-based course for seniors. Students will explore major literary time periods of the world with a special focus on how these influenced Western civilization and contemporary authors. Additionally, students will work with a number of expository texts, reading and rhetorical writing strategies needed for success in college, vocational programs, the workplace, and the global curriculum offers a variety of activities such as research, discussion, simulations, individual and group work, and projects. Significant outside reading and writing assignments are required.

Grade Level: 12

Graduation Credit:  English

CSU/UC: English(b)

The course will focus on developing analytical skills; writing and speaking skills; and research methods through a critical analysis of a wide variety of historical and contemporary issues regarding race, ethnicity, and identity in the United States by utilizing fiction and non-fiction texts.  This course fulfills one year of English or A-G credit towards graduation. 

Prerequisite: English 2/2H (for 11th graders) or English 3/AP Language (for 12th graders)

Grade Level: 12

Graduation Credit: English

CSU/UC: English(b)

An AP English Literature and Composition course engages students in the careful reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature. Through the close reading of selected texts, students deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language to provide both meaning and pleasure for their readers. As they read, students consider a work’s structure, style and themes, as well as such smaller-scale elements as the use of figurative language, imagery, and tone. The course includes intensive study of representative works from various genres and periods, concentrating on works of recognized literary merit. The pieces chosen invite and reward rereading and do not yield all (or nearly all) of their pleasures of thought and feeling the first time through.

Grade Level: 12

Graduation Credit: English

CSU/UC: English(b)

Elective Courses
This course develops effective speaking skills in a wide variety of formats including persuasion, expository speaking, oral interpretation, debate, and impromptu formats. Students write, deliver, and critique several speeches throughout the year. This performance-based course builds self-confidence as well as research, group discussion, and critical thinking skills, which are essential for today’s fast-paced, competitive society.

Grade Level: 9-12

Graduation Credit: Elective

CSU/UC: Electives(g)

This elective course offers a variety of experiences that teach students how to produce the print and/or online versions of a school newspaper. The course develops skills in news and feature writing, editing, layout, and desktop publishing, and improves the students’ writing, mechanics, structure, and style. The integration of photography, artwork, and advertising round out the curriculum of this course.

Grade Level: 9-12

Grad  Credit:  Elective/Special Content

CSU/UC: Electives(g)


23-24' SHIELD Editors: Adam Sarsfield, Anjali Nayak, Faith Gonia, Cat Kemp, Kendll Albrecht, and Rina Weaver 23-24' SHIELD Scribes
photo of the 6 SHIELD editors photo of scribes for the SHIELD
This course is designed to develop students' publishing skills. The main objective of the class is to produce a record of the school year by using photographs, graphic artwork and a copy as means of creative communication. Students master a desktop publishing software program, Adobe InDesign. This class is responsible for producing the high school yearbook.

Grade Level: 9-12

Graduation Credit: Applied Arts

CSU/UC: Elective(g)