Campbell Union High School District Well Represented at ACSA Awards

Associated Student Body (ASB) students Joshua Figueira from Del Mar High School, Allyson Greco from Leigh High, Mattea Carveiro from Prospect, and Sanjana Giduthuri from Westmont High were the recipients of student leadership awards from the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) at an April 28 breakfast ceremony. 

The awards recognize seniors who demonstrate:

  • a high level of citizenship skills
  • commitment to the school and student body
  • a high level of responsibility and maturity
  • leadership skills

"We have a proud tradition of student leadership at our high schools," said Campbell Union High School District's (CUHSD) Interim Superintendent Tanya Krause. "ACSA student winners are nominated by their teachers and principals, and their success reflects well on their families, the district, and the future of our communities."

